our vison, aims, ethos and values

Our aim is:

  • To provide a safe, Islamic environment where the Qur'aan and authentic Sunnah are followed in all acts of worship
  • To ensure that we aim for high quality teaching, learning and holistic development of all children
  • To treat every child as a unique creation of Allaah, ensuring that learning provides challenging opportunities that will meet the needs of all children
  • To offer experiences which will develop lifelong skills and a love for seeking knowledge for the purpose of this life and the Hereafter
  • To prepare children for life so that they can show consideration, respect and tolerance in a multi-cultural society

Our Ethos and Values

Unique Academy is founded upon an Islamic ethos. Our ultimate goal is to provide excellency in Islamic and academic education, enabling each unique child to develop holistically, into an upright British citizen who contributes positively to their community and to society. We aspire to put these positive values and behaviours into practice as part of our Deen (Islamic way of life).
  • Sincerity – We strive to be truthful to our Creator, ourselves and those around us
  • Knowledge - We want to learn more and to apply our knowledge
  • Respect - We show respect to people of all backgrounds as we value diversity and inclusion
  • Transparency - We learn from our mistakes
  • Productivity – We strive to have a growth mindset
  • Excellency - We always strive to do our best